Division A playoffs [Standings \ Schedule \ Results ]
Division B playoffs [Schedule \ Results ]
Division C playoffs [Schedule \ Results ]
Feb.25, 2013
Updated Schedule! |
Division A playoffs schedule updated! [Schedule]
Division B and C will undergo special scheduling for their final regular season game. Please see below:
Home vs Away
Wed |
Feb 27 |
Britannia |
9:45pm |
Knights vs Crunch
Thu |
Feb 28 |
Trout Lake |
10:00pm |
Hornets vs
Agent Orange
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Killarney |
10:30pm |
vs Stealth
Tue |
Mar 5 |
Sunset |
9:45pm |
Red Army vs Chiefs
Sat |
Mar 2 |
Britannia |
9:15pm |
Whalers vs Acme
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Trout Lake |
7:15pm |
Wolfpack vs
Red Shirts
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Trout Lake |
8:45pm |
Wolverines vs
Angry Pirates
**Note: This final game will count towards your final standings before playoffs!
Feb.9, 2013
Playoff Schedule + Final regular season game + "New" Rule |
Thank you for your patience!
Information about the playoff formats for the divisions this year can be seen here.
Division A playoffs are set to begin Friday Mar.1 [Schedule]
Division B playoffs are set to begin Wednesday Mar.6 [Schedule]
Division C playoffs are set to begin Friday Mar.8 [Schedule]
Division B and C will undergo special scheduling for their final regular season game based on their standings at the conclusion of their last schedule game. Please see below (revised):
Wed |
Feb 27 |
Britannia |
9:45pm |
5th vs 6th
Thu |
Feb 28 |
Trout Lake |
10:00pm |
3rd vs 4th
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Killarney |
10:30pm |
1st vs 2nd
Tue |
Mar 5 |
Sunset |
9:45pm |
DivB 7th vs DivC 1st
Sat |
Mar 2 |
Britannia |
9:15pm |
4th vs 5th
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Trout Lake |
7:15pm |
6th vs 7th
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Trout Lake |
8:45pm |
2nd vs 3rd
The schedule pertaining to this final game of the regular season for Div B and C will be updated as standings are finalized.
**Note: This final game will count towards your final standings before playoffs.
As well, please be advised that we have a "new" rule regarding contact to the head. Contact to the head was never permitted but we have included a written rule to clarify what would happen if it does. The rule can be found here. Please play responsibly and with respect for your opponents' health and well-being.
Jan.28, 2013
Additional Game + Playoff Info to be posted soon! |
All teams will have an additional regular season game scheduled before playoffs! Division A please check your schedule!
Division B and C will undergo special scheduling for their last game based on their standings at the end of the season. Please see below:
Wed |
Feb 27 |
Britannia |
9:45pm |
1st vs 2nd
Thu |
Feb 28 |
Trout Lake |
10:00pm |
3rd vs 4th
Fri |
Mar 1 |
Hillcrest |
9:45pm |
5th vs 6th
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Trout Lake |
7:15pm |
DivB 7th vs DivC 1st
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Trout Lake |
8:45pm |
2nd vs 3rd
Sun |
Mar 3 |
Killarney |
10:30pm |
4th vs 5th
Tue |
Mar 5 |
Sunset |
9:45pm |
6th vs 7th
The schedule pertaining to the last game of the regular season for Div B and C will be updated as standings are finalized.
The playoff schedule will be posted later this week! Information about the playoff formats for the divisions this year can be seen here.
Division A playoffs are set to begin Friday Mar.1
Division B playoffs are set to begin Wednesday Mar.6
Division C playoffs are set to begin Friday Mar.8
Dec.20, 2012
Small adjustment to the schedule |
Please note the following changes to the schedule since it was posted. The online schedule is already updated but the changes are posted here for your convenience. The following is the portion that had been changed:
Agent Orange vs Red Army, now on Thursday Jan.24, 10pm @ Trout Lake
Sandstorm vs Red Army, now on Sunday Jan.27, 7:15pm @ Trout Lake
Knights vs Agent Orange, now on Saturday Feb.16, 10:30pm @ Kerrisdale
Red Army vs Sandstorm, now on Sunday Feb.17, 10:30pm @ Killarney
Dec.20, 2012
2nd-half Schedule Updated! |
The schedule for the rest of the regular season has been released and can be found here.
The season is set to resume on Friday, Jan.4, 2013.
Playoffs will begin on Sunday Feb.17 for Div.A, and Saturday Mar.2 for Div.B and C! Check back in the new year for playoff format and schedules.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We'll see you in January!
Dec.17, 2012
2nd-half Schedule |
The schedule for the rest of the regular season will be released middle of this week.
The season is set to resume on Friday, Jan.4, 2013.
Oct.17, 2012
League Trades |
League trades have occurred around the league.
Players have been added to their new teams in the stats and on the team pages.
Oct.12, 2012
Schedule Update |
Retiering starts on Oct.19. This is also the date that the new schedule starts.
You can find your team's schedule by clicking on your team's logo in the Schedule page. This is the best way to access your team's schedule. Checking your division schedule may not display your whole schedule because some teams still have 1 game left to play in their previous tier before Oct.19th.
Sept.22, 2012
Logos and Roster Update |
All pages have been updated with new logos and names where applicable.
A fair number of teams in the league still have not submitted jersey numbers. Just a reminder that your stats will be updated once we receive your jersey numbers from the captains. Let your captain know what number you want asap.
Team Roster spreadsheet has also been updated here.
Sept.14, 2012
"Teams" Pages Updated |
The Teams page has been updated.
Please note that stats will be updated approximately 1-2 times per week. Stats will begin to be updated once we receive your jersey numbers from the captains.
Have a great season!
Sept.13, 2012
Team Rosters Updated |
We have made some changes to the team rosters. Changes are highlighted in yellow.
The links for the Schedule and Statistics pages are live. Rosters within the stats program will be updated as we receive jersey numbers from your captains.
The Teams page will be updated soon.
Sept.12, 2012
Note about team assignments |
We have received a number of questions about the player placements in the league.
The league does not place players based on their ability (i.e. the strongest players do not necessarily end up in VACHL A). We place all skills on all teams to try to balance out the teams/divisions.
We hope that clears up any confusion regarding your team placement.
Sept.12, 2012
Schedule and Team Assignments |
Click here to see what team you are on.
The schedule for your division can be found here. The "team schedule" links through the team logos will be updated shortly. Please use the link for your division schedule to see when your team is scheduled to play.
If your name is missing from the list please right away.
Please remember that you need full equipment (including shoulder pads!) and you must have facial protection, either a half shield or full shield. Without the mandatory equipment, you will not be allowed on the ice. No exceptions!
Have a great season!
Sept.9, 2012
Schedule and Team Assignments |
The season is officially set to start on Friday Sept. 14 with 2 games scheduled that night. The icetimes this year are as follows, we try our best to spread out the icetimes amoungst all teams:
Tuesdays 9:45pm @ Sunset
Wednesdays 9:45pm @ Britannia
Thursdays 10pm @ Trout Lake
Fridays 9:15pm @ Killarney
Fridays 9:45pm @ Hillcrest
Saturdays 8:30pm @ Trout Lake
Saturdays 9:15pm @ Britannia
Saturdays 10:30pm @ Kerrisdale
Sundays 7:15pm @ Trout Lake
Sundays 8:45pm @ Trout Lake
Sundays 10:30pm @ Killarney
The schedule and team assignments will be posted here on the website on Wednesday Sept.12. If your name is missing from any of the lists please right away.
Please remember that you need full equipment (including shoulder pads!) and you must have facial protection, either a half shield or full shield. Without the mandatory equipment, you will not be allowed on the ice. No exceptions!
Sept.4, 2012
Evaluation Details |
If you have not been contacted or have not responded to our attempts to reach you about attending an evaluation, please feel free to contact as soon as possible to register for a time slot. The following times still have spaces available.
**All other icetimes are now full**
Wed Sept 5, 945-1100pm @ Brit
Sat Sept 8, 545-645pm @ Trout
Sat Sept 8, 700-815pm @ Trout
Sat Sept 8, 830-945pm @ Trout
You can see which session you've been registered for here.
See you on the ice!
July.18, 2012
Championship Photos and Registration Details |
Here are the registration details for the 2012-2013 VACHL Season:
Register online https://pbregister.vancouver.ca/safari_activitybrowse.htm - Activity Search ?VACHL? or call (press2).
Price $585 or $545 for returning players with a VACHL issued jersey.
Further details can be found here.
2011-2012 Championship Photos
(Click pic for full-size)
VACHL A Division Champs: Warriors

VACHL B Division Champs: Blades

VACHL C Division Champs: Chiefs

Apr.2, 2012
Final Weekend Results! |
Congratulations to all the teams for a successful and fun season! Stay tuned for registration information for next year, coming this summer.
Div A Playoff Schedule / Bracket
Div B Playoff Schedule
Div C Playoff Schedule / Bracket
VACHL A Division:
1st - Warriors
2nd - Woodstock's Revenge
3rd - Blueliners
4th - Darkside
5th - Red Army
6th - Aviators
7th - Stealth
VACHL B Division:
1st - Blades
2nd - Cobra Kai
3rd - Wolverines
4th - Agent Orange
5th - Billy & the Boingers
6th - Sandstorm
VACHL C Division:
1st - Chiefs
2nd - Wolfpack
3rd - Angry Pirates
4th - Knights
5th - Whalers
6th - Acme
7th - Crunch
Mar.28, 2012
Final Weekend Schedule Update |
There have been slight changes to the times for the last weekend of games. Please see the following schedules for the time changes (highlighted in yellow):
Div A Playoff Schedule / Bracket
Div B Playoff Schedule
Div C Playoff Schedule / Bracket
Some notes for the upcoming weekend:
Our beer garden & bbq will be on Sat & Sun. We will have the TV in the room playing the Canucks game. We will be doing breakfast on Sunday morning!
Menu prices:
- Hamburger/Smokie/Turkey Dog - $3.00
- Hot Dog - $2
- VACHL Porky Moo - $4
- Combo (Burger/smokie) + Chips + Pop - $4
- Fantastic Selection of Bevvy?s (Domestic & Imported) - $3
- Sunday Morning Breafast Sandwiches - $3 (only until noon)
Partial proceeds for VACHL BBQ will go to the Britannia After School Hockey program (BASH) which provides opportunity for youth in our neighbourhood to play hockey at no cost.
Mar.24, 2012
Final Weekend Schedule & Adult Hockey Skills |
The rest of the schedule has been posted for the final weekend of games on Saturday Mar.31 and Sunday Apr.1 -- All games will be at Britannia, where there will be food and a beer garden for after (or before... [food!]) your game. Bring family and friends to celebrate another great season!
Div A Playoff Schedule / Bracket
Div B Playoff Schedule
Div C Playoff Schedule / Bracket
As the season draws to a close, we remind all teams that no drinking is allowed at all Vancouver Parks facilities. Any reports we receive from arena staff that VACHL teams have been drinking after our icetimes will result in automatic forfeiture of your next game, regardless if it is a semi-final, final, etc. Any drinking after your final game (unless it is at our beer garden) will result in a 1 gm suspension for your team next season.
As well, any play that results in major infractions or game misconducts will result in suspensions that will carry over to next season, as well as a harsher than normal consequences (either longer suspensions or a permanent ban from the league). Please do not think you will not be punished because it is the end of the season.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Britannia will be running various Adult Hockey Skills programs for the months of April and May. Improve your general skills, offensive skills, or defensive skills for next season! More information can be found here.
Mar.8, 2012
Spring Break |
VACHL will be on hiatus this year during Spring Break. This is the reason for the long breaks between playoff games.
VACHL is officially on break from Monday Mar.12 to Friday March 23. Games will resume on Saturday Mar.24.
Lastly, apologies to Angry Pirates and Crunch for the incorrect schedule posted online for your game last night.
Mar.5, 2012
Feb.26, 2012
Playoff Links Updated! |
The Schedule page and Statistics page have been updated with the relevant links pertaining to playoffs!
* Crossover games for round robin in VACHL B can all be found under "Pool A" Schedule
* Stats and Schedule for VACHL B pools will be consolidated into a single division at the conclusion of round robin.
Feb.20, 2012
Feb.13, 2012
Division B Playoff Schedule Up |
The playoff schedule can be found here: Div B Playoff Schedule .
The rules regarding playoffs (Div.B only) can be found in the rules section under Playoffs.
The playoff rules and schedule will be posted for Div.A and C shortly. Thanks for your patience.
Jan.25, 2012
Schedule correction!
Game scheduled on Jan.27 @ Killarney starts at 9:15pm, not 9:45pm!!
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Jan.16, 2012
VACHL Schedule Updated! |
The rest of the regular season has now been updated. You can find your schedule through the schedule link! Thank you for your patience!
Jan.7, 2012
Another VACHL Schedule Update |
We are still in the process of trying to obtain and confirm playoff icetimes. The schedule for the rest of the regular season should be released by next weekend.
We sincerely apologize for the delay. Please talk to your captain for details about the scheduling.
Dec.20, 2011
VACHL Schedule Update |
VACHL will be on break from Dec.19 - Jan.2, 2012.
The new schedule will be updated this coming week. The earliest game to be scheduled is on Saturday Jan.7, be prepared to play that weekend.
Enjoy the holidays!
Nov.8, 2011
VACHL Retiering and Schedule Update |
VACHL has retiered and the schedule has been posted up to the New Year.
The new schedule starts on Friday Nov.18. Please check your schedule for your new updated game times and dates! All games prior to the retiered schedule will still count towards the standings.
Oct.3, 2011
VACHL Blackout Dates and retiering |
VACHL will break for the following days in observance of the holidays. No games will be played on:
Saturday Oct.8 and Sunday Oct.9 (Thanksgiving)
Friday Nov.11 and Saturday Nov.12 (Remembrance Day)
The league is also in the process of retiering and will be releasing a revised schedule soon. Thanks for your patience!
Sept.23, 2011
VACHL Team Pages and Upcoming Schedule |
The team rosters have been updated and can be seen here.
You can also access team news and updates from the Team page (UPDATED).
The schedule will be updated this weekend. Thanks for your patience!
Sept.15, 2011
VACHL Teams and Schedule Updated, some Rules updated |
The team rosters have been updated and can be seen here. You can also access team news and updates from the Team page (currently unavailable). Expect to hear from your captain shortly!
**Note: Because we try to balance the teams to the best of our ability, a number of requests to play on a specific team or with specific people could not be fulfilled. We understand that some participants signed up to play with certain people or teams. Please contact if you have any concerns or questions.
The first 2 games of the season are up and can be accessed through the Schedule page.
For new and returning players, please carefully read the League Rules. There are a number of rules that are different from other leagues (including the NHL!). Please be aware of them before your first game. For returning players, there are a few new ones so please familiarize yourself with them.
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